
SAVIR Mentor Program

May 27, 2024

SAVIR Mentor Program

The overarching goal of the SAVIR 1:1 Mentorship Program is to bridge mentorship gaps for students by pairing them with accomplished injury and violence prevention (IVP) researchers and practitioners. By providing highly individualized guidance, this 1-year program empowers students to gain the skills, insight, and support they need to become the next generation of IVP researchers and practitioners. Mentees receive career guidance, support with new methodology, grant writing, networking, positionality, or research outputs (e.g., abstract, manuscript). Mentees may request support from Program Leads in developing a mentorship agreement, narrowing asks, and troubleshooting any issues.

Students and trainees at the masters, post-master’s, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels are eligible to participate in the program. Mentees must be a SAVIR member, and preference will be given to mentors who are SAVIR members.

For more information about the program, please reach out to Kelsey Conrick at

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