

May 30, 2024


Get Involved and Join a SAVIR Committee

The field of injury and violence prevention continues to grow; responding to the prevention needs and the acute and long-term burden of a staggering array of events. As it grows, so do the needs for solid research and quality researchers who utilize a range of rigorous scientific methods and disciplines to identify risk factors and trends, inform public policy, and guide and evaluate effective interventions. That is what SAVIR is all about.

SAVIR’s uniqueness stems from the challenge of promoting cohesion, shared knowledge, collaboration and an integrative approach between groups and individuals working in different specialties across the spectrum of injury prevention and control research. Our success depends on members volunteering and actively participating in SAVIR’s committee structure. The committees are where much of the work of the organization gets done and are how leadership will be informed of progress.

Committees welcome new participants! Learn more about joining a committee by contacting us, or reach out to the co-chairs listed under the committee.

Committee terms typically run from April to March.

The objectives of the SAVIR Advocacy and Policy committee are to actively promote the discipline of injury control research and to proactively collect and disseminate injury control research findings.


Committee Charges

  • To actively promote injury research;
  • To pro-actively collect and disseminate injury research findings;
  • To partner with organizations to produce materials that educate the public and policymakers;
  • To develop new liaisons with other public and private organizations; and
  • To translate injury research into meaningful education for policymakers and other stakeholders.

Committee Focus Areas

  • Increase funding for injury and violence research
  • Grow the field and workforce in injury and violence research through funding for education career development
  • Include injury and violence in all policy
  • Address disparities in preventing and mitigating injury and violence
These priority areas provide a framework that is inclusive of major topic areas in injury and violence research and allow SAVIR to support specific initiatives of interest to its members, and to join with other organizations in advocating for injury and violence research.

Advocacy Training

Advocacy is one of the cornerstones of SAVIR’s mission. To assist members in knowing how to become an effective advocate the following resources may be helpful.


The SAVIR Anti-racism Interest Group (AIG) meets on the first Wednesday of every month. We continue to welcome you to join us in this critical work.

To actively integrate anti-racism principles and frameworks into injury and violence education, research, research methodologies, and dissemination and implementation of research and practice,

  • To recommend scientific policies, guiding principles, and research priorities as they relate to anti-racism,
  • To contribute to the growing body of science on race, racism, health inequities, and health disparities in the field of injury and violence research,
  • To partner with organizations and entities that broaden our mission and increase external stakeholder involvement on anti-racism initiatives.

AIG Committee Focus Areas

    • Collaborate with all SAVIR committees on AIG initiatives,
    • Include anti-racism priorities in all SAVIR activities,
    • Guide anti-racist policy and research  in the injury and violence research field,
    • Develop and disseminate anti-racism focused resources to SAVIR members.

Please contact co-chairs Dominique Rose (dominique.rose@nationwidechildrens.org) or Silvia Villareal (svillarreal@jhu.eduif you have questions about the interest group or would like to join.

The SAVIR Communications & Membership Committee aims to assist members and committees in disseminating relevant injury prevention announcements.

Committee Charges

  • Increase social media presence;
  • Promote the conference and other SAVIR events.
  • Increase and sustain SAVIR membership.
  • Develop plans to recruit researchers, research centers, and organizations as active members.
If you have an announcement, please complete this request form for the Committee:

Communications Request Form


UNC Injury Prevention Research Center
Brown University


Committee Charges

  • Represents the strength and diversity of the center membership of SAVIR.
  • Serves SAVIR and its center members to grow and advance the field of injury and violence research, expand funding for the field, develop collaborations among centers, and assist centers and academic institutions in training the next generation of injury and violence prevention professionals 

Center Member Benefits


Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD
The Medical College of Wisconsin

Committee Charges

  • Nominate potential candidates for election to open Director seats.
  • Receive Director nominations for open seats on the Executive Committee.
  • Call for nominations are typically sent towards the end of the calendar year. Elections are held some time after January 1 and Board member terms run from April 1 to March 30.

Committee Charge

  • Design scientific program for SAVIR annual conference
  • Recommend scientific policies/research priorities
  • Take proactive measures to advise federal agencies (e.g., NCIPC, MCHB, NHTSA, TRB, IOM) and other public organizations (e.g., foundations, automotive safety associations, consumer product manufacturer’s associations) regarding their scientific direction as it relates to injury and violence control policies, practices, documentation of injury, and research methodologies,
  • Initiate and foster relations between SAVIR and research communities.


Elizabeth O’Neal, MPH, PhD
The University of Iowa

Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz, PhD, MPH, UC Davis

Anthony Carlini, M.S.
Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy

SAVIR is committed to supporting students and early career professionals pursuing careers in violence and injury research. The purpose of the SAVIR student and early career professional committee is to provide an outlet for education, collaboration, and professional development for students and early career professionals (in training or within 5 years of degree attainment) with a shared interest in injury and violence research through information dissemination, interactive forums, and networking opportunities.

Eligible SAVIR Members: Student and Transitional members (within one year of degree attainment)

Examples of committee actions:

  • Support and vocalize the needs of SAVIR student and early career professional members
  • Build mentorship programs for SAVIR early career professionals
  • Interface with other SAVIR committees
  • Host and assist with planning of webinars geared for students and young professionals
  • Help advertise for SAVIR at their corresponding universities or organizations


Leslie Barnard (leslie.barnard@cuanschutz.edu)

Kelsey Conrick (kmc621@uw.edu)


Career Paths can be found here.

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