
Careers in Injury and Violence

June 3, 2024


The Career Paths Project

SAVIR’s Training and Infrastructure (TIC) and Student and Early Career Professionals Committees are delighted to present the ‘Career Paths’ project.

Career Paths was created to gain insight about the career experiences of accomplished leaders in the field of injury and violence prevention. Members of SAVIR’s Student and Early Career Professionals Committee were given a unique opportunity to sit down with our field’s leaders and learn about what drew them to the field of injury and violence, and important lessons for the next generation.

 Learn about the career path of Dr. Linda Degutis  Executive Director of Defense Health Horizons, and SAVIR President Elect. 

 Learn about the career path of Dr. Andrea Gielen Professor at Johns Hopkins University and former SAVIR President (2011-12). Dr. Gielen.

Learn about the career path of Shelli Stephens-Stidham Director of the Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas.

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